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#642002 - 2005-12-21 11:09:47 Your Comment needed for Reallocation to Shanghai
Robbie 離線
註冊: 2005-12-21
文章數: 5
My Chinese tying is pretty poor. Hope you guys do not mind should I write it in English.

I shall be lay-off by the end of the year; while my partner will be reallocated to Shanghai soon. I plan to go together. Yet, I am not sure whether Shanghai is good for my career development and for my health.

Could you please comment?

------------------ 紫微斗數命盤製作程式 命理網專用版 ------------------
|天天天天 | |天翡 |
|使福哭虛 | |巫廉 |
|旺廟 | |廟 |
祿 32| 33| 34| 35|
|64-73 乙巳|74-83 丙午|84-93 丁未|94-103 戊申|
------------------+------------------ ------------------+------------------
紫天天八龍 | | |
微相傷座池 | 陽男國曆 61 年 7 月 12 日 申 時生 | |
| ||
31| 壬子農曆 61 年 6 月 2 日 申 時生 | 36|
|54-63 甲辰| |104-113 己酉|
命宮在亥 身宮在卯 命主巨門 身主火星 ------------------
天巨身官| |天封三鳳 |
機門 祿| 金四局[釵釧金] 生肖[鼠] 重 3兩 9錢 |官誥台閣 |
|旺廟 廟
宮宮| |旺廟廟 |
| 天 30|
流年 94 歲次乙酉 大限壬寅 虛歲 34 | 寡 25|
|44-53 壽癸卯| |114-123 宿庚戌|
天天截台恩 |太太|武天解天 |天祿|
刑馬路輔光 |陽陰|曲府神貴 |同存 |
|不廟 |旺廟得陷 |廟廟 |
孤 29| 28| 27| 26|
壬寅|24-33 癸丑|14-23 壬子|4-13 辛亥|
------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------

#642003 - 2005-12-21 12:36:48 Re: Your Comment needed for Reallocation to Shanghai
綺麗世界 離線
註冊: 2005-12-15
文章數: 14
See the life dish, you seemed to get a big disease last year, your luck in making money is not so good this year, you say that invest with friend together the work, you did not make money probably, next year you if think of the work in Shanghai, you are careful over there to have any relation with girl's son, your peach blossom will is very prosperous next year, may because of have the child and get married, if your having not yet got married is can of, do I use English follow explication and do not know what you see understands?
#642004 - 2005-12-21 13:20:49 Re: Your Comment needed for Reallocation to Shanghai
Robbie 離線
註冊: 2005-12-21
文章數: 5
Thanks for your comments. Your English is pretty good indeed.

Probably I did not make myself clear enough... My "partner" actually means my "lover"; who is going to be reallocated to Shanghai next year. I plan to go there as well. It just sounds to be a "perfect" timing for us 'coz I shall be lay-off by my current company by end of this year.

I did not have a big disease last year (as far as I know) unless it is some kind of hidden illness.... Yes, everyone said I have strong peach blossom next year and probably will split up with my lover. What do you think?

One thing I do not understand of your statement - What do you mean "girl's son"? Do you mean I shall have a baby next year?

By the way, can you see any prospect of Career Development next year?
#642005 - 2005-12-21 14:22:01 Re: Your Comment needed for Reallocation to Shanghai
Robbie 離線
註冊: 2005-12-21
文章數: 5
Forgot to mention - You guys can write in Chinese if prefer.

I can read Chinese perfectly.

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