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#362232 - 2004-05-04 12:29:50 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101








如威廉利利 托洛密 以及波那提等人的著作 也包括阿拉伯的大師等

這方面的著作 因為沒有著作財產權的問題




從推運 到選擇 到占卜 乃至世俗財經占星學




但是會以講義 摘要 以及研究論文的方式來呈現


但是理論論述 特別是原典裡面的命例 是不會有所缺漏的


是能夠希望翻譯進階性 較為深入的書籍






而如果網站上有相關的占星論文 有珍貴的價值者







編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-05-04 12:35:21)
#362233 - 2004-05-04 17:17:02 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
潘文欽 離線
註冊: 1999-12-22
文章數: 4215
來自: 基隆
#362234 - 2004-05-04 23:59:15 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217
#362235 - 2004-05-05 13:08:46 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
jengjiu 離線
註冊: 2002-09-18
文章數: 419
來自: 台北

後學建議 最近project hindsight將完成Vettius Valens著作的重新翻譯
project hindsight
雖然可以捐助抵折扣 不過還是好貴喔

編輯者: jengjiu (2004-05-05 14:20:32)
#362236 - 2004-05-05 14:43:02 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
ralph 離線
註冊: 2002-05-24
文章數: 646
可惜, 我打字慢且較沒時間, 不然可以幫忙些許.
若你不閒我打字慢且可以等, 我可以盡一些力.

請問, 這些將會出版嗎?
#362237 - 2004-05-05 22:02:52 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
viv 離線
註冊: 2003-01-19
文章數: 213
msn:[email protected]
#362238 - 2004-05-07 01:21:38 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101





如生時校正 各種流年法 以及財經占星學部份

#362239 - 2004-05-07 01:30:42 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101


對於progress solar-arc return 以及生時校正這幾方面



除了CC Zain的教堂之光 有二十一冊之外

#362240 - 2004-05-07 01:36:05 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101









#362241 - 2004-05-07 01:55:34 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101
致ralph 和 viv














主要是要幫助國內占星學者的實論實證 增強實論的功力





因此即使是執教的老師 以及實論經驗豐富的先進們


不至因為門派之別 而阻礙了占星學典籍的流通









編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-05-07 01:59:42)
#362242 - 2004-05-07 11:21:55 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217
Alan Leo的The Progressed Horoscope算是經典,可惜缺少冥王的資料。
AFA出版Reinhold Ebertin的Directions實例很多,又有分類,只有一個字讚!
Raymond Merriman的The NEW SOLAR RETURN Book of Prediction還不錯。
以古典的來說,AFA出版法國J-B Morin 的
ASTROLOGIA GALLICA, Book 23: Revolutions真的是曠世巨著。

CC Zain的我買過三本,他的Mundane Astrology還不錯,
另,Church of Light應該翻成光之教堂吧.

順道一提Kessinger Publishing Company有陸續出版一些十九、二十世紀初的書
見 可以參考看看。
#362243 - 2004-05-08 18:33:41 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217
project hindsight好像只剩Rob Schmidt一個,
the Anthology of Vettius Valens,
the Mathesis of Firmicus Maternus,
the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy,
the Apotelesmatics of Hephaistio of Thebes
他的Astrologer's Edition似乎有意區隔先前做的工作,個人色彩很重。
#362244 - 2004-05-09 04:35:49 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101









以下為當世著作三本以上者 以字母排列


Addey, John - Discrimination of Birthtypes in Relation to Disease, Cambridge Circle, 10.00
Addey, John - Harmonics in Astrology, Urania Trust, 22.95
Addey, John - New Study in Astrology, Urania Trust, 22.95
Addey, John - Selected Writings, AFA, 13.00

Arroyo, Stephen - Astrology, Karma and Transformation, CRCS, 17.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Astrology, Psychology & the Four Elements, CRCS, 15.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Chart Interpretation Handbook, CRCS, 12.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Exploring Jupiter, CRCS, 17.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Practicing the Cosmic Science, CRCS, 13.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Relationships & Life Cycles, CRCS, 14.00

Blaschke, Robert P. - Astrology: A Language of Life vol. 1: Progressions, Earthwalk School of Astrology, 14.95
Blaschke, Robert P. - Astrology: A Language of Life vol. 2: Sabian Aspect Orbs, Earthwalk School of Astrology, 18.95
Blaschke, Robert P. - Astrology A Language of Life vol. 3: A Handbook for the Self-Employed Astrologer, Earthwalk School of Astrology, 18.95

Braha, James - Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, Hermetician Press, 21.95
Braha, James - How to Be a Great Astrologer, Hermetician Press, 19.95
Braha, James - How to Predict Your Future, Hermetician Press, 22.00

Carter, C.E.O. - Astrological Aspects, AFA, 17.00
Carter, C.E.O. - Astrology of Accidents, TPH (London), 10.00
Carter, C.E.O. - Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, Astrology Classics, 17.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Essays on the Foundations of Astrology, TPH (London), 15.95
Carter, C.E.O., Green, H.S. & Raphael - Mundane Astrology three books in one volume (includes Introduction to Political Astrology), Astrology Classics, 22.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology, TPH, London, 9.95

Clement, Stephanie, editor - Civilization Under Attack: September 11, 2001 & Beyond - An Astrological Perspective, Llewellyn, 10.95
Clement, Stephanie Jean - Planets & Planet Centered Astrology, AFA, 14.00
Clement, Stephanie Jean - Power of the Midheaven, the astrology of self-realization, Llewellyn, 14.95

Cunningham, Donna - Astrology & Spiritual Development, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Astrology & Vibrational Healing, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Healing Pluto Problems, Weiser, 16.95
Cunningham, Donna - How to Read Your Astrological Chart, Weiser, 14.95
Cunningham, Donna - Moon in Your Life, Weiser, 15.95

Darr, Clara M. - Comparisons & Friends, Clara M. Darr, 8.00
Darr, Clara M. - Keys to Inter Relations, Clara M. Darr, 10.00
Darr, Clara M. - Neptune in Transit with Aspects, Clara M. Darr, 5.00
Darr, Clara M. - Nodes in Transit with Aspects, AFA, 11.00
Darr, Clara M. - Uranus in Transit with Aspects, Clara M. Darr, 10.00
Darr, Clara M. - Transits, AFA, 11.00

Davis, T. Patrick - Astrologer's Condensed Manual, T. Patrick Davis, 6.50
Davis, T. Patrick - Interpreting Geo-Helio Planets, Davis Research, 12.95
Davis, T. Patrick - New Methods of Rectification: Lincoln, AFA, 14.50
Davis, T. Patrick - Revolutionizing Astrology with Heliocentric, Davis Research, 12.95
Davis, T. Patrick - Sexual Assaults: Pre-Identifying Those Vulnerable, Davis Research, 10.00

Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology as a Business, AFA, 10.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology of Childbirth, AFA, 19.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology 30 Years Research, AFA, 16.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology's Wide Influence, AFA, 18.95
Doane, Doris Chase - Blending Astrology, Numerology & Tarot, AFA, 18.50
Doane, Doris Chase - Contest Charts, AFA, 9.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How Body Language Defines Character, AFA, 14.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How to Prepare & Pass an Astrologer's Certificate Exam, AFA, 12.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How to Read Cosmodynes, AFA, 10.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Modern Horary Astrology, AFA, 19.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Profit by Electional Astrology, AFA, 29.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Versatility of Astrology, Its Place in Your Life - AFA, 22.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 1, AFA, 17.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 2, AFA, 17.00
Doane, Doris Chase & Cramer, Earl H. - New Age Conversation, AFA, 14.00

Dobyns, Zip - Finding the Person in the Horoscope, TIA Publications, 11.00
Dobyns, Zip - The Node Book, including nodes for planets & asteroids, TIA Publications, 11.00
Dobyns, Zip - Progressions, Directions & Rectifications, TIA Publications, 10.50
Dobyns, Zip - Expanding Astrology's Universe , ACS, 12.95

Donath, Emma Belle - Approximate Positions of Asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta), 1851-2050, AFA, 9.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in Midpoints, AFA, 15.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in Synastry , AFA, 13.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in the Birth Chart, revised, AFA, 16.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in the U.S.A., Geminian Institute, 13.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Houses, Which & When, AFA, 15.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Patterns of Professions, AFA, 12.00

Ebertin, Reinhold - Applied Cosmobiology, AFA, 16.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Auxiliary Tables for the calculation of the stellar positions, Ebertin-Verlag Aalen, 4.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Combination of Stellar Influences, AFA, 19.95
Ebertin, Reinhold - Cosmic Marriage, AFA, 12.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Rapid & Reliable Analysis, Ebertin-Verlag, 13.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Transits: What Days Favor You, AFA, 14.00

Flack, Rudy & Diane - The Asteroid America & US Money, A is A Publishing, 8.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - American Presidents & Their Wives (includes horoscopes), A is A Publishing, spiral, 12.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Asteroid Mysteries & Messages, A is A Publishing, 14.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - British Royalty (horoscopes), A is A Publishing, spiral, 7.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Celestial Stand-Ins, A Look at Mutual Receptions, A is A, 10.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Celestial SuperRulers (Planets in their dignity), A is A, 8.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Moon Bubbles, from cradle to grave (sol/lunar aspects), A is A, 4.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - The Power of Dispositors (Psychological patterns), A is A, 11.00
Flack, Rudy &Diane - Sign Blending (overcoming your short comings), A is A, 4.00

Forrest, Steven - Book of Pluto, ACS, 15.95
Forrest, Steven - Night Speaks, ACS, 12.95
Forrest, Steven & Green, Jeffrey Wolf - Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrology & the Keys to the Soul, Seven Paws Press & Daemon Press, 19.95
Forrest, Steven & Green, Jeffrey Wolf - Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrology & the Keys to the Soul, volume 2, Seven Paws Press & Daemon Press, 19.95

Garrett, Helen Adams - Anaretic Degree, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Astrology & Metaphysics in the Bible, AFA, 8.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Favorable Eclipses, AFA, 5.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - Horoscope & the Appetite, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Interpret Horoscopes in 24 Steps, AFA, 5.75
Garrett, Helen Adams - Karma by Declination, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Karmic Horoscope, AFA, 8.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - More About Retrogrades, AFA, 7.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Nodes, Life's Purpose, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Unlocking Interceptions, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Wedding & Divorce Charts, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - When the Planets Join Forces (Health/Medical), AFA, 8.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - Your Hair Talks, AFA, 5.25
Garrett, Helen Adams - Your Ideal Companion, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams & Flack, Rudy - Chiron Ephemeris (1680-2051) with Keys to Interpretation, A is A Publishing, 15.00

Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - All Over the Earth Astrologically, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Astrological Essays, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Correspondence Course In Astrology, 12.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Dark Moon Lilith in Astrology, 24.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Explain Me Why Astrologically, 12.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Foundation of the Astrological Chart, 15.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - From Outer Space to Planet Earth, 17.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Here & There In Astrology, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - In the Beginning, Astrology, 25.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Simplified Horary Astrology, 39.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Turn of a Lifetime Astrologically, 36.00
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Way of Astrology - Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, 21.95

Greene, Liz - Apollo's Chariot: The Meaning of the Astrological Sun, CPA Press, 29.00
Greene, Liz - Astrological Neptune & the Quest for Redemption, Weiser, 29.95
Greene, Liz - Astrology For Lovers, Weiser, 18.95
Greene, Liz - Astrology of Fate, Weiser, 19.95
Greene, Liz - Barriers & Boundaries, The Horoscope & the Defenses of the Personality, CPA Press, 29.00
Greene, Liz - The Dark of the Soul, CPA Press, 30.00
Greene, Liz - Development of the Personality, Weiser, 22.95
Greene, Liz - Horoscope in Manifestation: Psychology & Prediction, CPA Press, 27.00
Greene, Liz - Outer Planets & Their Cycles, The Astrology of the Collective, CRCS, 13.95
Greene, Liz - Relating, Weiser, 17.95

Hall, Judy - Deja Who? A New Look at Past Lives, Findhorn, 11.95
Hall, Judy - Hades Moon, Pluto in Aspect to the Moon, Weiser, 19.95
Hall, Judy - Karmic Connections: The birthchart, karma & relationships, Wessex Astrologer, 22.00
Hall, Judy - Patterns of the Past: Birthchart, Karma & Reincarnation, Wessex Astrologer, 20.00
Hall, Judy - Zodiac Pack, Astro/Tarot cards, Findhorn Press, 34.95

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Aspects & Personality, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Foundations of Personality, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope, Weiser, 12.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Psychological Astrology, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Twelfth House, Hidden Power in the Horoscope, Weiser, 12.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - The Yod Book, Weiser, 19.95

Hand, Robert - Chronology of the Astrology of the Middle East & West by Period, Arhat Publications, 4.95
Hand, Robert - Essays on Astrology, Whitford, 19.95
Hand, Robert - Horoscope Symbols, Whitford, 24.95
Hand, Robert - Night & Day: Planetary Sect in Astrology, Arhat Publications, 10.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Composite, Whitford Press, 19.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Transit, expanded 2nd edition, Whitford Press, 29.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Youth, Whitford Press, 24.95
Hand, Robert - Whole Sign Houses, The Oldest House System, Arhat Publications, 7.95

Huber, Bruno - Astrological Psychosynthesis, Weiser, 18.00
Huber, Bruno & Louise - Astrological Houses, A Psychological View of Man & His World, Weiser, 12.95
Huber, Bruno & Louise - Astrology & the Spiritual Path, Weiser, 12.95
Huber, Bruno & Louise - Moon Node Astrology, Weiser, 14.95

Jayne, Charles - Best of Charles Jayne, AFA, 18.95
Jayne, Charles - Preface to Prenatal Charts, Astrological Bureau, 9.00
Jayne, Charles - Progressions & Directions, Astrological Bureau, 10.00

Jones, Marc Edmund - Astrology, How & Why It Works, Aurora, 16.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Counseling Manual in Astrology, AFA, 17.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Essentials of Astrological Analysis, illustrated with the horoscopes of 174 well-known people, Sabian Publishing Society/Trafford, 26.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Fundamentals of Number Significance, Sabian Publishing, 17.50
Jones, Marc Edmund - The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (paperback), Quest, 7.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (hardcover), Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Horary Astrology: Practical Techniques for Problem Solving with a Primer of Symbolism, Aurora Press, 18.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - How to Learn Astrology, Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Mundane Perspectives in Astrology, Sabian Publishing, 20.50
Jones, Marc Edmund - Sabian Manual, Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Aurora, 22.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Scope of Astrological Prediction, Sabian Publishing, 20.50

Kimmel, Eleonora - Cosmobiology For the 21st Century, AFA, 19.95
Kimmel, Eleonora - Fundamentals of Cosmobiology, AFA, 16.00
Kimmel, Eleonora - Patterns of Destiny, AFA, 18.95

Kolev, Rumen - Babylonian Astrology & Astronomy, Astro-Research Center, 30.00
Kolev, Rumen - Primary Directions of Regiomontanus & William Lilly, Astro-Research Center, 15.00
Kolev, Rumen - Primary Directions I, Astro-Research Center, 15.00
Kolev, Rumen - Primary Directions II, Astro-Research Center, 15.00

Koparkar, Mohan - Aspects Magnified, Mohan Enterprises, 5.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Degrees of the Zodiac Magnified, Mohan Enterprises, 8.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Lunar Nodes, Mohan Enterprises, 6.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Moon Mansions, Mohan Enterprises, 6.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Precise Progressed Charts, Mohan Enterprises, 5.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Retrogrades, Mohan Enterprises, 7.95

Lang-Wescott, Martha - Angular Dialogues: Planets, Transneptunians, Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 125.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Architects of Time, Treehouse Mountain, 26.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Asteroid Mechanics Ephemerides V. 1, Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Asteroid Mechanics Ephemerides V. 2, Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Astrology of the Brain, an intro study, Treehouse Mountain, 39.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - A Course in 90 degree Dial Techniques (includes 2 C-90 cassettes), Treehouse Mountain, 49.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Derivative Angles, Treehouse Mountain, 12.50
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Dials! Dials! Dials! (set of dials), Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 22.95
Lang-Wescott - 90 Degree Dial Techniques, An Illustrated Quick Reference, Treehouse Mountain, spiral, 18.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Orders of Light: Planets, Transneptunians & Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 25.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Patterns of Behavior, Treehouse Mountain, 21.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 1, 1989-92, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 2, 1993-95, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 3, 1996-98, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95

Lehman, J. Lee - Book of Rulerships, Whitford, 18.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Classical Astrology for Modern Living, Whitford, 19.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Essential Dignities, Whitford Press, 14.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Martial Art of Horary Astrology, Whitford, 29.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Ultimate Asteroid Book, Whitford, 18.95

Lilly, William (Coley) - Astrologer's Guide, AFA spiral, 10.00
Lilly,William - Christian Astrology, books 1 & 2, Astrology Classics, 39.95
Lilly, William - Christian Astrology, book 3: An Easie and Plaine Method Teaching How to judge upon Nativities, Ascella, 54.95

Lineman, Rose - Eclipses: Astrological Guideposts, AFA, 15.00
Lineman, Rose - Eclipse Interpretation Manual, AFA, 17.00
Lineman, Rose - Your Prenatal Eclipse, AFA, 16.00
Lineman, Rose & Popelka, Jan - Compendium of Astrology, Whitford, 24.95

March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 1 - Basic Principles, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 2 - Math & Interpretation Techniques, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 3 - Horoscope Analysis, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Relationships, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow (vol 4), ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn Horary & Electional Astrology, ACS, 14.95

Marks, Tracy - Art Of Chart Interpretation, CRCS, 12.00
Marks, Tracy - Astrology of Self-Discovery, CRCS, 13.95
Marks, Tracy - Planetary Aspects: From Conflict To Cooperation, CRCS, 13.95

Mason, Sophia - AFA Chart Pad #12: 2 in 1 (biwheel), 25 sheets, AFA, 8.00
Mason, Sophia - The Art of Forecasting Using Diurnal Charts, AFA, 11.95
Mason, Sophia - Aspects Between Signs, A-C Publishing, 8.00
Mason, Sophia - Delineation of Progressions, AFA, 20.00
Mason, Sophia - From One House to Another, AFA, 12.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Predictions, AFA, 11.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 1 - The New Moon Through the Signs & Houses, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 2 - The New Moon In Aspect With Sun, Asc & MC, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 4 - The Transiting Sun & Moon Through Signs, Houses & Natal Aspects, Aquarian-Cancerian, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 5 - Transiting Venus Thru Signs, Houses, Aspects & Retrograde, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 7 - Transiting Mars Thru Signs, Houses, Aspects & Retrograde, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Transit Trends into the Year 2000 (not mundane), A-C Publishing, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Understanding Planetary Placements, AFA, 11.00
Mason, Sophia - You & Your Ascendant - AFA, 18.95

Merriman, Raymond - Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing, Seek-it, 15.95
Merriman, Raymond - Evolutionary Astrology, Seek-it, 25.00
Merriman, Raymond - The New Solar Return Book of Prediction, Seek-it, 15.95

Michelsen, Neil - American Ephemeris For The 20th Century at midnight, ACS, 21.95
Michelsen, Neil - American Ephemeris For The 20th Century at NOON, ACS, 26.95
Michelsen, Neil - American Ephemeris For The 21st Century at midnight. ACS, 18.95
Michelsen, Neil - American Ephemeris For The 21st Century at NOON. ACS, 18.95
(Michelsen, Neil) Pottenger, Rique - The American Ephemeris 2001-2010 (midnight), ACS, 12.95
Michelsen, Neil - American Heliocentric Ephemeris, 2001-2050 Midnight, ACS, 29.95
Michelsen, Neil - Asteroid Ephemeris (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron & black moon Lilith), 1900-2000 midnight, ACS, 26.95
Michelsen, Neil - Michelsen Book of Tables (Koch & Placidus), ACS, 15.95
Michelsen, Neil - Tables of Planetary Phenomena, 2nd edition - ACS, 29.95

Nolle, Richard - Chiron - New planet in the horoscope, AFA, 16.00
Nolle, Richard - Critical Astrology, Investigating the Cosmic Connection, AFA, 13.00
Nolle, Richard - Interpreting Astrology, New Perspectives & Techniques, AFA, 13.00

Penfield, Marc - Bon Voyage - An Astrological Study of Relocation, AFA, 14.00
Penfield, Marc - Horoscopes of the U.S.A. & Canada, AFA, 39.95
Penfield, Marc - Solar Returns in Your Face, AFA, 19.95
Penfield, Marc - Stars Over England, AFA, 10.95

Pottenger, Maritha - Astrology, the Next Step/Complete Horoscope Interpretation, ACS, 25.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Chiron, ACS, 4.95
Pottenger, Maritha - East Point & the Anti-Vertex, ACS, 4.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Easy Astrology Guide, ACS, 14.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Healing with the Horoscope, ACS, 14.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Past Lives, Future Choices, The Astrology of Reincarnationn, ACS, 16.95
Pottenger, Maritha - What Are Astrolocality Maps?, ACS, 4.95

Robertson, Marc - Cosmopsychology, the Engine of Destiny, AFA, 13.95
Robertson, Marc - Not a Sign in the Sky but a Living Person, AFA, 9.00
Robertson, Marc - Eighth House, AFA, 13.00
Robertson, Marc - Transit of Saturn, AFA, 13.00
Robertson, Marc - Using the Birthchart to Determine Sex, Mind & Habit, AFA, 10.00

Robson, Vivian - Astrology & Sex, Astrology Classics, 18.95
Robson, Vivian - Electional Astrology, Astrology Classics, 18.95
Robson, Vivian - Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology, Astrology Classics, 19.95
Robson, Vivian - Radix System, Darr Publications, 10.00

Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data I - Profiles of Women, Data News Press, 46.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data II (American Book of Charts), AFA, 31.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data IV, (artists & musicians, etc.), AFA, 38.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data V - Profiles of Crime, Data News Press, 30.00
Rodden, Lois - Mercury Method of Chart Comparison, AFA, 18.00
Rodden, Lois - Modern Transits, AFA, 18.95
Rodden, Lois - Money: How to find it with Astrology, Data News, 22.00

Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Houses, CRCS, 12.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life, Aurora Press, 12.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Mandala, Vintage, 12.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Triptych, Aurora Press, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrology of Personality, Aurora Press, 21.95
Rudhyar, Dane - The Astrology of Transformation, Quest, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - The Galactic Dimension of Astrology: The Sun is also a Star, Aurora Press, 17.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Lunation Cycle, Aurora Press, 16.95
Rudhyar, Dane - New Mansions for New Men, Hunter House, 7.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Person Centered Astrology, Aurora Press, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Planetarization of Consciousness, Aurora Press, 22.95
Rudhyar, Dane, & Rael, Leyla - Astrological Aspects: A process oriented approach, Aurora Press, 18.95

Sakoian & Acker - Astrologer's Handbook, Harper, 16.00
Sakoian & Acker - Importance of Mercury in the Horoscope, CSA Printing & Bindery, 5.00
Sakoian & Acker - Major & Minor Approaching & Departing Aspects, AFA, 8.00
Sakoian & Acker - Minor Aspects, no publisher given, 7.00
Sakoian & Acker - That Inconjunct Quincunx, Copple House, 6.65
Sakoian & Acker - Those Inconjunct Quincunx Transits, publisher not given, 7.50
Sakoian & Acker - Transits Simplified, NESA, 14.00
Sakoian & Acker - Zodiac Within Each Sign, no publisher listed, 10.00

Sasportas, Howard - Direction & Destiny in the Birth Chart, CPA Press, 29.00
Sasportas, Howard - Gods of Change, Arkana, 13.95
Sasportas, Howard - Twelve Houses, Harper Collins, 20.00

Schulman, Martin - Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Astrology Of Sexuality, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 1: Moon's Nodes & Reincarnation, Weiser, 7.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 2: Retrogrades & Reincarnation, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 4: The Karma of the Now, Weiser, 7.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Relationships, Weiser, 9.95

Scofield, Bruce Circuitry of the Self: Astrology & the developmental model, One Reed, 12.95
Scofield, Bruce - Day-Signs: Native American astrology from ancient Mexico, One Reed Publications, 11.95
Scofield, Bruce - Signs of Time: An introduction to Mesoamerican astrology, One Reed Publications, 11.95
Scofield, Bruce - User's Guide to Astrology, One Reed, 10.00

Simms, Maria Kay - Witch's Circle, Llewellyn, 19.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Dial Detective: Investigation with the 90 degree dial, Cosmic Muse Publications, 19.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Future Signs: How to make astrological predictions, ACS, 14.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Time for Magick: Planetary hours for meditations, rituals & spells, Llewellyn, 12.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Your Magical Child, ACS, 16.00

Spiller, Jan - Astrology For the Soul, Bantam, 17.95
Spiller, Jan - New Moon Astrology: Using new moon power days to change & revitalize your life, Bantam, 16.95
Spiller, Jan - Spiritual Astrology, A Layperson's Guide to Self-Unfoldment (first version of Spiller/McCoy's Spiritual Astrology), Seek-it, 5.95

Star, Gloria - Astrology & Your Child, A handbook for parents, Llewellyn, 17.95
Star, Gloria - Astrology for Women, Llewellyn, 9.95
Star, Gloria - Astrology: Woman to Woman, Llewellyn, 19.95

Sullivan, Erin - Astrology of Family Dynamics, Weiser, 19.95
Sullivan, Erin - Retrograde Planets, Traversing the Inner Landscape, Weiser, 18.95
Sullivan, Erin - Saturn In Transit, Boundaries of Mind & Soul, Weiser, 16.95

Taylor, Maxine - Hidden Messages, AFA, 11.00
Taylor, Maxine - Now That I've Cast It, What Do I Do With It?, AFA, 11.00
Taylor, Maxine - Revelation, The New Astrology, AFA, 12.00
Taylor, Maxine - What's a Diurnal?, AFA, 10.00
Taylor, Maxine - What's a Relocated Chart?, AFA, 8.00

Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Neptune, Transits of the Heart & Soul, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Pluto, Transits of Power & Renewal, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Uranus, Transits of Self-Awakening, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - All Around the Zodiac: Exploring Astrology's 12 Signs, Llewellyn, 19.95
Tierney, Bil - Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, CRCS, 15.95
Tierney, Bil - Twelve Faces of Saturn, Your Guardian Angel Planet, Llewellyn, 16.95

Townley, John - Composite Charts, The Astrology of Relationships, Llewellyn, 29.95
Townley, John - Lunar Returns, Llewellyn, 19.95
Townley, John - Planets In Love, Whitford Press, 19.95

Tyl, Noel - Astrological Timing of Critical Illness, Early Warning Patterns in the Horoscope, Llewellyn, 19.95
Tyl, Noel - Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality & Relationship, Insights to Wholeness, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Creative Astrologer, Effective Single Session Counseling, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Predictions for a New Millennium, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tyl, Noel - Solar Arcs, Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System, Llewellyn, 19.95

Wickenburg, Joanne - In Search of a Fulfilling Career, AFA, 24.00
Wickenburg, Joanne - Journey Through the Birth Chart, AFA, 21
Wickenburg, Joan - Your Hidden Powers, AFA, 18.00

Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. - Dear Mae R., A Treasury of Astrological Letters, AFA, 22.00
Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. - Interpret Your Chart, AFA, 15.00
Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. - Lilith Insight, New Light On the Dark Moon, AFA, 19.00

Zain, C.C. - Ancient Masonry, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Astrological Signatures, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Delineating the Horoscope, Church of Light, 15.95
Zain, C.C. - Horary Astrology, Church of Light, 18.95
Zain, C.C. - Imponderable Forces, Church of Light, 10.95
Zain, C.C. - Laws of Occultism, Inner Plane Theory & the Fundamentals of Psychic Phenomena, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Mundane Astrology (Course XIII), Brotherhood of Light, 22.95
Zain, C.C. - Next Life, A Guide to Living Conditions on the Inner Plane, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Occultism Applied (course 14), How to Increase Your Happiness, Usefulness & Spirituality, Church of Light, 18.95
Zain, C.C. - Progressing the Horoscope, Church of Light, 14.95
Zain, C.C. - Sacred Tarot, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Spiritual Astrology, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Stellar Healing, Astrological Predisposition, Diagnosis & Treatment of Disease, Church of Light, 22.95
Zain, C.C. - Weather Predicting, Church of Light, 22.95

然後再刪除三本與四本著作者 以著作數量排列

Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology as a Business, AFA, 10.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology of Childbirth, AFA, 19.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology 30 Years Research, AFA, 16.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology's Wide Influence, AFA, 18.95
Doane, Doris Chase - Blending Astrology, Numerology & Tarot, AFA, 18.50
Doane, Doris Chase - Contest Charts, AFA, 9.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How Body Language Defines Character, AFA, 14.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How to Prepare & Pass an Astrologer's Certificate Exam, AFA, 12.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How to Read Cosmodynes, AFA, 10.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Modern Horary Astrology, AFA, 19.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Profit by Electional Astrology, AFA, 29.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Versatility of Astrology, Its Place in Your Life - AFA, 22.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 1, AFA, 17.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 2, AFA, 17.00
Doane, Doris Chase & Cramer, Earl H. - New Age Conversation, AFA, 14.00

Garrett, Helen Adams - Anaretic Degree, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Astrology & Metaphysics in the Bible, AFA, 8.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Favorable Eclipses, AFA, 5.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - Horoscope & the Appetite, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Interpret Horoscopes in 24 Steps, AFA, 5.75
Garrett, Helen Adams - Karma by Declination, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Karmic Horoscope, AFA, 8.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - More About Retrogrades, AFA, 7.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Nodes, Life's Purpose, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Unlocking Interceptions, AFA, 6.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - Wedding & Divorce Charts, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams - When the Planets Join Forces (Health/Medical), AFA, 8.00
Garrett, Helen Adams - Your Hair Talks, AFA, 5.25
Garrett, Helen Adams - Your Ideal Companion, AFA, 5.50
Garrett, Helen Adams & Flack, Rudy - Chiron Ephemeris (1680-2051) with Keys to Interpretation, A is A Publishing, 15.00

Lang-Wescott, Martha - Angular Dialogues: Planets, Transneptunians, Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 125.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Architects of Time, Treehouse Mountain, 26.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Asteroid Mechanics Ephemerides V. 1, Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Asteroid Mechanics Ephemerides V. 2, Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Astrology of the Brain, an intro study, Treehouse Mountain, 39.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - A Course in 90 degree Dial Techniques (includes 2 C-90 cassettes), Treehouse Mountain, 49.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Derivative Angles, Treehouse Mountain, 12.50
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Dials! Dials! Dials! (set of dials), Treehouse Mountain, 19.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 22.95
Lang-Wescott - 90 Degree Dial Techniques, An Illustrated Quick Reference, Treehouse Mountain, spiral, 18.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Orders of Light: Planets, Transneptunians & Asteroids, Treehouse Mountain, 25.00
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Patterns of Behavior, Treehouse Mountain, 21.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 1, 1989-92, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 2, 1993-95, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95
Lang-Wescott, Martha - Tools of the Trade (Toot!), vol 3, 1996-98, Treehouse Mountain, 29.95

Zain, C.C. - Ancient Masonry, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Astrological Signatures, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Delineating the Horoscope, Church of Light, 15.95
Zain, C.C. - Horary Astrology, Church of Light, 18.95
Zain, C.C. - Imponderable Forces, Church of Light, 10.95
Zain, C.C. - Laws of Occultism, Inner Plane Theory & the Fundamentals of Psychic Phenomena, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Mundane Astrology (Course XIII), Brotherhood of Light, 22.95
Zain, C.C. - Next Life, A Guide to Living Conditions on the Inner Plane, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Occultism Applied (course 14), How to Increase Your Happiness, Usefulness & Spirituality, Church of Light, 18.95
Zain, C.C. - Progressing the Horoscope, Church of Light, 14.95
Zain, C.C. - Sacred Tarot, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Spiritual Astrology, Church of Light, 16.95
Zain, C.C. - Stellar Healing, Astrological Predisposition, Diagnosis & Treatment of Disease, Church of Light, 22.95
Zain, C.C. - Weather Predicting, Church of Light, 22.95

Mason, Sophia - AFA Chart Pad #12: 2 in 1 (biwheel), 25 sheets, AFA, 8.00
Mason, Sophia - The Art of Forecasting Using Diurnal Charts, AFA, 11.95
Mason, Sophia - Aspects Between Signs, A-C Publishing, 8.00
Mason, Sophia - Delineation of Progressions, AFA, 20.00
Mason, Sophia - From One House to Another, AFA, 12.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Predictions, AFA, 11.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 1 - The New Moon Through the Signs & Houses, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 2 - The New Moon In Aspect With Sun, Asc & MC, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 4 - The Transiting Sun & Moon Through Signs, Houses & Natal Aspects, Aquarian-Cancerian, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 5 - Transiting Venus Thru Signs, Houses, Aspects & Retrograde, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Lunations & Transits Step by Step, book 7 - Transiting Mars Thru Signs, Houses, Aspects & Retrograde, A-C Publications, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Transit Trends into the Year 2000 (not mundane), A-C Publishing, 13.00
Mason, Sophia - Understanding Planetary Placements, AFA, 11.00
Mason, Sophia - You & Your Ascendant - AFA, 18.95

Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - All Over the Earth Astrologically, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Astrological Essays, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Correspondence Course In Astrology, 12.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Dark Moon Lilith in Astrology, 24.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Explain Me Why Astrologically, 12.50
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Foundation of the Astrological Chart, 15.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - From Outer Space to Planet Earth, 17.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Here & There In Astrology, 20.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - In the Beginning, Astrology, 25.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Simplified Horary Astrology, 39.95
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Turn of a Lifetime Astrologically, 36.00
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Way of Astrology - Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, 21.95

Jones, Marc Edmund - Astrology, How & Why It Works, Aurora, 16.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Counseling Manual in Astrology, AFA, 17.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Essentials of Astrological Analysis, illustrated with the horoscopes of 174 well-known people, Sabian Publishing Society/Trafford, 26.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Fundamentals of Number Significance, Sabian Publishing, 17.50
Jones, Marc Edmund - The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (paperback), Quest, 7.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (hardcover), Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Horary Astrology: Practical Techniques for Problem Solving with a Primer of Symbolism, Aurora Press, 18.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - How to Learn Astrology, Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Mundane Perspectives in Astrology, Sabian Publishing, 20.50
Jones, Marc Edmund - Sabian Manual, Sabian Publishing, 14.00
Jones, Marc Edmund - Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Aurora, 22.95
Jones, Marc Edmund - Scope of Astrological Prediction, Sabian Publishing, 20.50

Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Houses, CRCS, 12.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life, Aurora Press, 12.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Mandala, Vintage, 12.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrological Triptych, Aurora Press, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Astrology of Personality, Aurora Press, 21.95
Rudhyar, Dane - The Astrology of Transformation, Quest, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - The Galactic Dimension of Astrology: The Sun is also a Star, Aurora Press, 17.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Lunation Cycle, Aurora Press, 16.95
Rudhyar, Dane - New Mansions for New Men, Hunter House, 7.95
Rudhyar, Dane - Person Centered Astrology, Aurora Press, 14.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Planetarization of Consciousness, Aurora Press, 22.95
Rudhyar, Dane, & Rael, Leyla - Astrological Aspects: A process oriented approach, Aurora Press, 18.95

Greene, Liz - Apollo's Chariot: The Meaning of the Astrological Sun, CPA Press, 29.00
Greene, Liz - Astrological Neptune & the Quest for Redemption, Weiser, 29.95
Greene, Liz - Astrology For Lovers, Weiser, 18.95
Greene, Liz - Astrology of Fate, Weiser, 19.95
Greene, Liz - Barriers & Boundaries, The Horoscope & the Defenses of the Personality, CPA Press, 29.00
Greene, Liz - The Dark of the Soul, CPA Press, 30.00
Greene, Liz - Development of the Personality, Weiser, 22.95
Greene, Liz - Horoscope in Manifestation: Psychology & Prediction, CPA Press, 27.00
Greene, Liz - Outer Planets & Their Cycles, The Astrology of the Collective, CRCS, 13.95
Greene, Liz - Relating, Weiser, 17.95

Flack, Rudy & Diane - The Asteroid America & US Money, A is A Publishing, 8.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - American Presidents & Their Wives (includes horoscopes), A is A Publishing, spiral, 12.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Asteroid Mysteries & Messages, A is A Publishing, 14.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - British Royalty (horoscopes), A is A Publishing, spiral, 7.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Celestial Stand-Ins, A Look at Mutual Receptions, A is A, 10.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Celestial SuperRulers (Planets in their dignity), A is A, 8.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - Moon Bubbles, from cradle to grave (sol/lunar aspects), A is A, 4.00
Flack, Rudy & Diane - The Power of Dispositors (Psychological patterns), A is A, 11.00
Flack, Rudy &Diane - Sign Blending (overcoming your short comings), A is A, 4.00

Hand, Robert - Chronology of the Astrology of the Middle East & West by Period, Arhat Publications, 4.95
Hand, Robert - Essays on Astrology, Whitford, 19.95
Hand, Robert - Horoscope Symbols, Whitford, 24.95
Hand, Robert - Night & Day: Planetary Sect in Astrology, Arhat Publications, 10.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Composite, Whitford Press, 19.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Transit, expanded 2nd edition, Whitford Press, 29.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Youth, Whitford Press, 24.95
Hand, Robert - Whole Sign Houses, The Oldest House System, Arhat Publications, 7.95

Sakoian & Acker - Astrologer's Handbook, Harper, 16.00
Sakoian & Acker - Importance of Mercury in the Horoscope, CSA Printing & Bindery, 5.00
Sakoian & Acker - Major & Minor Approaching & Departing Aspects, AFA, 8.00
Sakoian & Acker - Minor Aspects, no publisher given, 7.00
Sakoian & Acker - That Inconjunct Quincunx, Copple House, 6.65
Sakoian & Acker - Those Inconjunct Quincunx Transits, publisher not given, 7.50
Sakoian & Acker - Transits Simplified, NESA, 14.00
Sakoian & Acker - Zodiac Within Each Sign, no publisher listed, 10.00

Donath, Emma Belle - Approximate Positions of Asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta), 1851-2050, AFA, 9.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in Midpoints, AFA, 15.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in Synastry , AFA, 13.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in the Birth Chart, revised, AFA, 16.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Asteroids in the U.S.A., Geminian Institute, 13.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Houses, Which & When, AFA, 15.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Patterns of Professions, AFA, 12.00

Pottenger, Maritha - Astrology, the Next Step/Complete Horoscope Interpretation, ACS, 25.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Chiron, ACS, 4.95
Pottenger, Maritha - East Point & the Anti-Vertex, ACS, 4.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Easy Astrology Guide, ACS, 14.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Healing with the Horoscope, ACS, 14.95
Pottenger, Maritha - Past Lives, Future Choices, The Astrology of Reincarnationn, ACS, 16.95
Pottenger, Maritha - What Are Astrolocality Maps?, ACS, 4.95

Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data I - Profiles of Women, Data News Press, 46.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data II (American Book of Charts), AFA, 31.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data IV, (artists & musicians, etc.), AFA, 38.00
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data V - Profiles of Crime, Data News Press, 30.00
Rodden, Lois - Mercury Method of Chart Comparison, AFA, 18.00
Rodden, Lois - Modern Transits, AFA, 18.95
Rodden, Lois - Money: How to find it with Astrology, Data News, 22.00

Arroyo, Stephen - Astrology, Karma and Transformation, CRCS, 17.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Astrology, Psychology & the Four Elements, CRCS, 15.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Chart Interpretation Handbook, CRCS, 12.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Exploring Jupiter, CRCS, 17.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Practicing the Cosmic Science, CRCS, 13.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Relationships & Life Cycles, CRCS, 14.00

Carter, C.E.O. - Astrological Aspects, AFA, 17.00
Carter, C.E.O. - Astrology of Accidents, TPH (London), 10.00
Carter, C.E.O. - Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, Astrology Classics, 17.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Essays on the Foundations of Astrology, TPH (London), 15.95
Carter, C.E.O., Green, H.S. & Raphael - Mundane Astrology three books in one volume (includes Introduction to Political Astrology), Astrology Classics, 22.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology, TPH, London, 9.95

Cunningham, Donna - Astrology & Spiritual Development, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Astrology & Vibrational Healing, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions, Cassandra Press, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - Healing Pluto Problems, Weiser, 16.95
Cunningham, Donna - How to Read Your Astrological Chart, Weiser, 14.95
Cunningham, Donna - Moon in Your Life, Weiser, 15.95

Darr, Clara M. - Comparisons & Friends, Clara M. Darr, 8.00
Darr, Clara M. - Keys to Inter Relations, Clara M. Darr, 10.00
Darr, Clara M. - Neptune in Transit with Aspects, Clara M. Darr, 5.00
Darr, Clara M. - Nodes in Transit with Aspects, AFA, 11.00
Darr, Clara M. - Uranus in Transit with Aspects, Clara M. Darr, 10.00
Darr, Clara M. - Transits, AFA, 11.00

Ebertin, Reinhold - Applied Cosmobiology, AFA, 16.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Auxiliary Tables for the calculation of the stellar positions, Ebertin-Verlag Aalen, 4.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Combination of Stellar Influences, AFA, 19.95
Ebertin, Reinhold - Cosmic Marriage, AFA, 12.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Rapid & Reliable Analysis, Ebertin-Verlag, 13.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Transits: What Days Favor You, AFA, 14.00

Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Aspects & Personality, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Foundations of Personality, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope, Weiser, 12.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Psychological Astrology, Weiser, 14.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Twelfth House, Hidden Power in the Horoscope, Weiser, 12.95
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - The Yod Book, Weiser, 19.95

Koparkar, Mohan - Aspects Magnified, Mohan Enterprises, 5.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Degrees of the Zodiac Magnified, Mohan Enterprises, 8.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Lunar Nodes, Mohan Enterprises, 6.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Moon Mansions, Mohan Enterprises, 6.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Precise Progressed Charts, Mohan Enterprises, 5.95
Koparkar, Mohan - Retrogrades, Mohan Enterprises, 7.95

March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 1 - Basic Principles, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 2 - Math & Interpretation Techniques, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 3 - Horoscope Analysis, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Relationships, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow (vol 4), ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn Horary & Electional Astrology, ACS, 14.95

Schulman, Martin - Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Astrology Of Sexuality, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 1: Moon's Nodes & Reincarnation, Weiser, 7.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 2: Retrogrades & Reincarnation, Weiser, 9.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology, Volume 4: The Karma of the Now, Weiser, 7.95
Schulman, Martin - Karmic Relationships, Weiser, 9.95

Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Neptune, Transits of the Heart & Soul, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Pluto, Transits of Power & Renewal, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - Alive & Well With Uranus, Transits of Self-Awakening, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tierney, Bil - All Around the Zodiac: Exploring Astrology's 12 Signs, Llewellyn, 19.95
Tierney, Bil - Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, CRCS, 15.95
Tierney, Bil - Twelve Faces of Saturn, Your Guardian Angel Planet, Llewellyn, 16.95

Davis, T. Patrick - Astrologer's Condensed Manual, T. Patrick Davis, 6.50
Davis, T. Patrick - Interpreting Geo-Helio Planets, Davis Research, 12.95
Davis, T. Patrick - New Methods of Rectification: Lincoln, AFA, 14.50
Davis, T. Patrick - Revolutionizing Astrology with Heliocentric, Davis Research, 12.95
Davis, T. Patrick - Sexual Assaults: Pre-Identifying Those Vulnerable, Davis Research, 10.00

Hall, Judy - Deja Who? A New Look at Past Lives, Findhorn, 11.95
Hall, Judy - Hades Moon, Pluto in Aspect to the Moon, Weiser, 19.95
Hall, Judy - Karmic Connections: The birthchart, karma & relationships, Wessex Astrologer, 22.00
Hall, Judy - Patterns of the Past: Birthchart, Karma & Reincarnation, Wessex Astrologer, 20.00
Hall, Judy - Zodiac Pack, Astro/Tarot cards, Findhorn Press, 34.95

Lehman, J. Lee - Book of Rulerships, Whitford, 18.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Classical Astrology for Modern Living, Whitford, 19.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Essential Dignities, Whitford Press, 14.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Martial Art of Horary Astrology, Whitford, 29.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Ultimate Asteroid Book, Whitford, 18.95

Robertson, Marc - Cosmopsychology, the Engine of Destiny, AFA, 13.95
Robertson, Marc - Not a Sign in the Sky but a Living Person, AFA, 9.00
Robertson, Marc - Eighth House, AFA, 13.00
Robertson, Marc - Transit of Saturn, AFA, 13.00
Robertson, Marc - Using the Birthchart to Determine Sex, Mind & Habit, AFA, 10.00

Simms, Maria Kay - Witch's Circle, Llewellyn, 19.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Dial Detective: Investigation with the 90 degree dial, Cosmic Muse Publications, 19.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Future Signs: How to make astrological predictions, ACS, 14.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Time for Magick: Planetary hours for meditations, rituals & spells, Llewellyn, 12.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Your Magical Child, ACS, 16.00

Taylor, Maxine - Hidden Messages, AFA, 11.00
Taylor, Maxine - Now That I've Cast It, What Do I Do With It?, AFA, 11.00
Taylor, Maxine - Revelation, The New Astrology, AFA, 12.00
Taylor, Maxine - What's a Diurnal?, AFA, 10.00
Taylor, Maxine - What's a Relocated Chart?, AFA, 8.00

Tyl, Noel - Astrological Timing of Critical Illness, Early Warning Patterns in the Horoscope, Llewellyn, 19.95
Tyl, Noel - Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality & Relationship, Insights to Wholeness, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Creative Astrologer, Effective Single Session Counseling, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Predictions for a New Millennium, Llewellyn, 14.95
Tyl, Noel - Solar Arcs, Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System, Llewellyn, 19.95







編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-05-09 04:54:48)
#362245 - 2004-05-09 21:53:55 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217

Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology of Childbirth, AFA, 19.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Astrology 30 Years Research, AFA, 16.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Contest Charts, AFA, 9.00
Doane, Doris Chase - How to Read Cosmodynes, AFA, 10.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Modern Horary Astrology, AFA, 19.00
*Doane, Doris Chase - Profit by Electional Astrology, AFA, 29.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 1, AFA, 17.00
Doane, Doris Chase - Vocational Selection & Counseling, volume 2, AFA, 17.00
Lang-Wescott - 90 Degree Dial Techniques, An Illustrated Quick Reference, Treehouse Mountain, spiral, 18.00
Zain, C.C. - Delineating the Horoscope, Church of Light, 15.95
*Zain, C.C. - Mundane Astrology (Course XIII), Brotherhood of Light, 22.95
Zain, C.C. - Progressing the Horoscope, Church of Light, 14.95
Mason, Sophia - The Art of Forecasting Using Diurnal Charts, AFA, 11.95
*Mason, Sophia - Delineation of Progressions, AFA, 20.00
*Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Simplified Horary Astrology, 39.95
*Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy - Turn of a Lifetime Astrologically, 36.00
Rudhyar, Dane - Lunation Cycle, Aurora Press, 16.95
Greene, Liz - Astrology of Fate, Weiser, 19.95
Greene, Liz - Development of the Personality, Weiser, 22.95
Greene, Liz - Relating, Weiser, 17.95
Flack, Rudy & Diane - The Power of Dispositors (Psychological patterns), A is A, 11.00
Hand, Robert - Horoscope Symbols, Whitford, 24.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Composite, Whitford Press, 19.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Transit, expanded 2nd edition, Whitford Press, 29.95
Hand, Robert - Planets In Youth, Whitford Press, 24.95
Sakoian & Acker - Transits Simplified, NESA, 14.00
Donath, Emma Belle - Houses, Which & When, AFA, 15.00
Pottenger, Maritha - Astrology, the Next Step/Complete Horoscope Interpretation, ACS, 25.95
Rodden, Lois - Astro-Data V - Profiles of Crime, Data News Press, 30.00
Rodden, Lois - Modern Transits, AFA, 18.95
Arroyo, Stephen - Chart Interpretation Handbook, CRCS, 12.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Astrology of Accidents, TPH (London), 10.00
Carter, C.E.O. - Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology, Astrology Classics, 17.95
Carter, C.E.O. - Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology, TPH, London, 9.95
Cunningham, Donna - How to Read Your Astrological Chart, Weiser, 14.95
Darr, Clara M. - Transits, AFA, 11.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Applied Cosmobiology, AFA, 16.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Auxiliary Tables for the calculation of the stellar positions, Ebertin-Verlag Aalen, 4.50
Ebertin, Reinhold - Combination of Stellar Influences, AFA, 19.95
Ebertin, Reinhold - Cosmic Marriage, AFA, 12.00
*Ebertin, Reinhold - Rapid & Reliable Analysis, Ebertin-Verlag, 13.00
Ebertin, Reinhold - Transits: What Days Favor You, AFA, 14.00
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Psychological Astrology, Weiser, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 1 - Basic Principles, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way To Learn Astrology, Vol 3 - Horoscope Analysis, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Relationships, ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow (vol 4), ACS, 14.95
March & McEvers - Only Way to Learn Horary & Electional Astrology, ACS, 14.95
Schulman, Martin - Ascendant: Your Karmic Doorway, Weiser, 9.95
Tierney, Bil - Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, CRCS, 15.95
*Lehman, J. Lee - Classical Astrology for Modern Living, Whitford, 19.95
Lehman, J. Lee - Essential Dignities, Whitford Press, 14.95
*Lehman, J. Lee - Martial Art of Horary Astrology, Whitford, 29.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Dial Detective: Investigation with the 90 degree dial, Cosmic Muse Publications, 19.95
Simms, Maria Kay - Future Signs: How to make astrological predictions, ACS, 14.95
Taylor, Maxine - What's a Diurnal?, AFA, 10.00
*Tyl, Noel - Astrological Timing of Critical Illness, Early Warning Patterns in the Horoscope, Llewellyn, 19.95
Tyl, Noel - Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality & Relationship, Insights to Wholeness, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Creative Astrologer, Effective Single Session Counseling, Llewellyn, 17.95
Tyl, Noel - Predictions for a New Millennium, Llewellyn, 14.95
*Tyl, Noel - Solar Arcs, Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System, Llewellyn, 19.95

#362246 - 2004-05-21 20:18:19 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101






今天出外拍照 辦理簽證



就是前往各大學圖書館 占星協會 以及占星書店等


許多書籍 親手翻過之後 感覺真的很不一樣



預計東岸紐約波士頓一帶大學 停留半月 西岸半月


希望能夠翻過當前的多數占星書 以及影印一些資料回來

因此若能夠與楊兄手上的書 互補有無


我在東岸會停留在紐約 華盛頓

特別會在波士頓的大學 如哈佛大學等等地停留

西岸會在休士頓 舊金山 加州三地





編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-05-21 20:37:50)
#362247 - 2004-05-21 20:20:24 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
阿正弟 離線
註冊: 2001-08-13
文章數: 5656
來自: 孤獨峰
請不要私底下寫信給我..問卦..問命...我不會回答的 95年度的預測檢討 工作室服務項目 我的部落格!SW1kq1GeGxRXJ7advBmPXYg-/ 有空來彰化二林坐坐
#362248 - 2004-06-08 14:52:42 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
PeakHour 離線
註冊: 2003-09-22
文章數: 52
來自: Taipei
如果到加州,可以聯絡一下WinStar的作者, Micheal Erlwin,聽說他很好客,60年代常常有占星家住在他家,WinStar的TheNewAge公司有個不小的占星圖書館。他那本占星學電腦程式,外面都買不到了,他的圖書館應該有。

#362249 - 2004-06-12 00:42:22 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
ihop 離線
註冊: 2003-07-24
文章數: 616
來自: 從LA出發。

如果到加州,可以聯絡一下WinStar的作者, Micheal Erlwin,聽說他很好客,60年代常常有占星家住在他家,WinStar的TheNewAge公司有個不小的占星圖書館。.....

the newage website
#362250 - 2004-06-14 22:42:09 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101









編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-06-14 22:43:59)
#362251 - 2004-06-14 22:52:22 Re: 西洋占星學原典翻譯計畫
天鏡 離線
註冊: 2003-03-12
文章數: 101

不知西岸加州 舊金山一帶



編輯者: 天鏡 (2004-06-14 22:53:26)
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