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#1107615 - 2008-11-12 16:29:10 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
Author: Ross Quigley
Published Year :1999
Content:01 LESSON: BEAUTIFUL WOMEN PREFER NERDS! is a step-by-step men's textbook for beginners on how to find and attract the Perfect Woman or Dream Girl. Beginning with a diagnostic test, the book explains dating, falling in love, and finding romance in a concise and entertaining manner, showing all the clever strategies successful men use. Time-tested methods are illustrated with humorous anecdotes and memorable thumb rules.

Photo of Cover
#1107646 - 2008-11-12 17:21:20 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球


Ten surefire ways to increase your popularity (Chapter
1. Always be seen in the company of a person of the
opposite sex.
2. (Women) Get cosmetic surgery or use makeup and
clothing to alter peoples’ perception of your shape. (Men)
Wear platform shoes and bulkier clothing up top.
3. Buy showy high status objects (cars, houses, etc.),
jewelry, clothing, etc.
4. Join the “in” crowd, club, business, or organization.
5. Always appear upbeat, happy, and friendly to everybody.
6. Never let people see you think or engage in planning.
7. Converse about “in” topics, fashionable pastimes, or
8. Never say anything negative about others.
9. Never disagree with anyone or say anything that goes
against popular thought.
10. If you are in the limelight, get a bulletproof vest. Once
you get popular, people will take a shot at you. Get ready
for their rumors or insults.

Six good indications that a person likes you (Chapter 8):
1. The person calls you on the telephone just to say “hi.”
2. The person touches your shoulder, holds your hand, etc.
3. The person walks in step with you and mimics your body
4. The person laughs at all your weak jokes as if all your
jokes are funny, even though you don’t think your jokes
are so funny.
5. The person always invites you.
6. The person sends you gifts other than greetings cards.

Seven surefire ways to survive heartbreak (Chapters 15
and 17):
1. Don’t get your hopes up.
2. Don’t go on a foolish mission, if you know it’s going to
be foolish
3. If she hurts you, let go completely.
4. Put things in perspective. Try to remember someone you
fell in love with and in your mind compare your feelings
for her with your feelings for the girl who broke your
5. Tell yourself, “She's not-worth it!”
6. Tell yourself, “The timing isn't right.” She's too caught
up in her own situation so it’s a waste of energy to chase
7. Tell yourself, “You can't really blame her; she's insane.”

Romantic Timetable (Chapter 16):
1. Woman gives hint to man.
2. Man takes hint and indicates his willingness.
3. Woman loves man, accommodates him, and is never late.
4. She’s always late, and out of time. Her peer group is
more important than the man.
5. Man joins Woman’s peer group or Woman joins Man’s
peer group.
6. Woman and Man both grow together and eventually steal
away from the group.
7. Marriage. Hanging around with married friends, other
8. First child. Woman pays more attention to child than to
the man.
9. Third year. Man is tempted to find a new woman. Magic
feeling is completely gone. Birth of new
understanding/relationship between Woman and Man.
10. Seventh year. Rules of new relationship are completely
#1107660 - 2008-11-12 18:02:28 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
不過這本書得慎用= =~


因為作者告訴我們,有女朋友或太太的男生比單身等待MR RIGHT的男生更有吸引力!

女生則不同,永遠都是 feme sole 比較讓人有遐想的空間~

#1107664 - 2008-11-12 18:08:52 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
毋戒行者 離線
註冊: 2006-08-02
文章數: 6749
來自: 台灣新竹
紫氣騰昇財神臨 乾坤運籌接喜神 三才鼎立旺家宅 神龍達圖福祿興
紫竹林中自在觀 雲遊十方甘露施 法由心轉邪魔避 福田勤耕極樂園
仙胎凡身入世修 道身佛心人間法 天人地界三才通 醒靈開悟唯心皈
天地宿命恆久遠 萬年孤靈再現世 累世因果終須了 世音如來已自在
世音法門自在觀 玄元聖主令我執 鬼谷仙師吾門宗 現世道法人間修

#1107752 - 2008-11-12 21:37:33 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: 毋戒行者]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
翻譯沒問題,給錢。。。 eyemoney 口水 扇子
#1107807 - 2008-11-12 23:24:58 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球



Pre-Test: Test Your Knowledge

Skill in romance is learned, not inherited. The
following is a pre-test, which you can use to test your present knowledge of romance. Good luck!

1. Anson is a short, balding, very sensitive man (but he
hides his feelings) who has many friends who are girls,
but he doesn't have a girlfriend. Anson wins the lottery
and gets two free tickets to an expensive dinner and a
special symphony orchestra concert performed by the
best musicians from many different countries. He calls
some of his female friends, but nobody wants to
accompany him to the event because they don't want to
give him the “wrong idea.” What should he do?

2. Anson's friend Bob wants to arrange a blind date for
Anson. Anson asks, “Can you describe her? What does
she look like?” Bob replies, “Well, she has a nice
personality.” What should Anson do?

3. Hakim is a college student, an idealist who wants to find
the perfect woman. After a few years of part time
work/junior college, Hakim had entered a university and
since he was a little older than the other students, Hakim
decided to find an apartment instead of living on campus.
He was very lonely his first year, so to meet more girls he
decided to “change his image” and join a fraternity.
Would Hakim have been happy in the fraternity? What
should he do about his living situation?

4. Hakim meets a beautiful coed named Carol in one of his
classes. They really hit it off together. They are mutually
very interested in each other. Then Hakim finds out Carol
has a boyfriend. Should he back off or increase the

5. Hakim has known Carol for a year. After the initial
“spark,” Carol seemed to lose interest in Hakim, so today
he treats her more like a friend than a romantic prospect.
Comfortable with friendship, Hakim has completely
forgiven Carol for the mind games she seemed to have
played on him when they first met. Suddenly Carol takes
a new interest in Hakim. Should Hakim remain reserved
or should he “fall for” Carol again?

6. Hakim graduates from college and gets an engineering
job. One day he meets a girl named Maria who works
behind the information counter at the local shopping
mall. She seems very interested. She gives him a lot of
eye contact and smiles often. They make small talk each
day, when Hakim stops at the counter, but neither Maria
nor Hakim has offered any invitations yet. Should Hakim
make the first move?

to be continue....

it is time to go to bed ...~
#1108434 - 2008-11-14 14:01:58 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球

1. Anson is a short, balding, very sensitive man (but he
hides his feelings) who has many friends who are girls,
but he doesn't have a girlfriend. Anson wins the lottery
and gets two free tickets to an expensive dinner and a
special symphony orchestra concert performed by the
best musicians from many different countries. He calls
some of his female friends, but nobody wants to
accompany him to the event because they don't want to
give him the “wrong idea.” What should he do?


Anson 是一位矮個子,快謝頂的敏感男生(但是他很會掩飾自己),因此他還是有很多女性朋友,但是他沒有戀人。某天Anson中了彩票,得到了兩張世界頂級演奏家的交響樂演出票,他想邀請女性朋友一同去欣賞,可是沒有人愿意去,因為大家怕產生誤會。這時他應該怎樣做捏?
#1108438 - 2008-11-14 14:09:35 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
2. Anson's friend Bob wants to arrange a blind date for
Anson. Anson asks, “Can you describe her? What does
she look like?” Bob replies, “Well, she has a nice
personality.” What should Anson do?


#1108451 - 2008-11-14 14:40:10 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球

《男 人 第 一 課》
  ● 這是一部講述男追女「兵法」的書;
  ● 美國最暢銷的戀愛指南,英文版已銷售500000冊;
  ● 一大堆生動詳實的戀愛個案,一整套有關戀愛心理的實用建議;
  ● 可用做培訓教材或戀愛參考書,美國Relationship俱樂部強力推薦。
  ● 如果你正在尋找真愛,就不要錯過這本書!
            ——美國亞利桑那州圖森市 Kevin Nuss
  ● 找不到完美的女人?來看看這本書好了。
  ● 這本書能讓陷在愛情中不能自拔的好男人們看清前面的道路,對好女人們也是一樣。
  ● 羅斯.奎格裡在書中講述了許多曾被我們忽略的事實,而那正是我們無法找到完美女人的關鍵所在。羅斯告訴我們,該如何以最小的努力和最大的把握去贏得完美女人的歡心。
    引 子/1
    第一章 戀愛潛能測試/6
    第二章 男與女:我們到底想要什麼/16
    第三章 如何趕走寂寞/24
    第四章 如何使自己更受歡迎/32
    第五章 好男人的戀愛秘訣/44
    第六章 不要急著送禮物/50
    第七章 怎樣跟對方搭訕/58
    第八章 如何判斷對方是否喜歡你/64
    第九章 到哪裡去尋找你的夢中情人/78
    第十章 給對方留個好印象/88
    第十一章 以談話吸引對方/96
    第十二章 戀愛智商測試/104
    第十三章 誰先提出第一次約會/112
    第十四章 怎樣「談」戀愛/118
    第十五章 如果她傷了你的心/124
    第十六章 戀愛時間表/142
    第十七章 如果你被女人無禮對待/158
    第十八章 網上交友:網上的外國女子/172
    第十九章 男人、女人和男女關係/184
    第二十章 戀愛潛能再測試/192
    附錄一 筆友網站列表/202
    附錄二 從化學角度解讀人類的性/206
    附錄三 本書經典技巧集錦/210
    附錄四 轉貼:戀愛培訓/217
#1111563 - 2008-11-21 10:20:03 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球

男生嘛..... 暫時考慮一下 要不要發....~
#1111727 - 2008-11-21 17:14:40 Re: 【分享好書】01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds [Re: Rose_wang]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
第八章 如何判斷對方是否喜歡你/64



How to Know if the Attraction is Mutual
QUIZ 1. See if you can tell when a person loves you, doesn’t
love you, or is fooling you!
Listed below are 15 lines, on which you will write
either Yes, No, or Trick . Assume you are a man. In six of
these situations the woman absolutely positively 100% surely
has strong feelings for you. In five of these situations there’s
a 100% chance the woman has absolutely no romantic
feelings for you at all, and you should give up immediately.
In four of these situations the woman is just being friendly
or accommodating, or she may be for her own ego with no
romantic intentions. Read each situation. Write “Yes” on the
line if you think the woman likes you. Write “No” on the line
if you think the woman has no romantic feelings for you.
Write “Trick” if you think the woman is flirting with you, but
not necessarily will go out with you.
1. ______ The person sends you gifts (cards don’t count).

2. ______ The person smiles at you often.
3. ______ The person doesn’t call you back.
4. ______ The person accepts your phone calls and talks to you for a long time.
5. ______ The person always accepts your gifts or
6. ______ The person calls just to say “hi.”
7. ______ The person often touches your shoulder, holds
your hand, etc.
8. ______ The person walks in step with you and mimics
your body language.
9. ______ The person doesn’t walk in step with you.
10. ______ The person gives you frequent compliments.
11. ______ The person spontaneously laughs at all your
weak jokes as if all your jokes are funny, even though
you don’t think your jokes are so funny..
12. ______ You propose a fun outing and the person replies,
“Well, give me a call.”
13. ______ During a phone call, the person says, “Thank you
for calling” at the end of the call.
14. ______ The person doesn’t contact you when it’s your
birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day.
15. ______ The person always invites you.

Conrad was a mechanical engineering student who
fell in love with Ramona. He made a lot of eye contact with
her, and every time he saw her, he smiled and she smiled
back radiantly. Occasionally, she made comments like “Oh.
You changed your hairstyle. I like your new look.” Conrad
took the hint and began to call her. They had no problems
finding things to say. The conversations were free-flowing
and often lasted about an hour. At the end of each
conversation, Ramona would say, “Thanks for calling.” In
the end, Conrad was a fool. Ramona never really liked him;
he took all the wrong hints. Somewhat embittered, Conrad
later claimed, “She led me on.”
Why do girls do this? From the guys point of view,
girls sit back and count how many people ask them to dance,
just to stoke their egos. Then, they let men make fools of
themselves. They lead us on, pat themselves on the back, and
then pull the rug out from under our feet. Isn't it less cruel to
just tell a guy straight that you don't like him, than to let him
spend a fortune on flowers only to make himself took like a
The women's point of view is different. I once asked
a female friend why women act so nice to men whom they
are not even interested in. Her answer was that women find it
very difficult to be mean. She said, “Women are raised to be
accommodating. They want to be nice all the time. They
want to say nice things. They don't want to dash the man's
hopes. They don't want to be cruel.” So women never say
anything mean, and the end result is that the man tries and
tries and tries and spends and spends and spends until he
finally expends himself, without the woman ever having to
mouth a cruel word.
What were Conrad's mistakes?
a. Conrad didn't wait for Ramona to say, “Oh, we should.
why Don't we. we ought to.” Instead, he mistakenly took her
compliments as a hint, and began to call her. He didn’t know
that in romance, the woman always makes the first
suggestion. He shouldn’t have called until after her

b. When Conrad called, he thought the conversations went
well. He mistakenly believed that Ramona liked him because
they had very long phone calls. In reality, Ramona was
entertained by the phone calls, and was just being polite and
First and foremost, the thing to remember is that a
girl won't like you consistently. Your influence level with her
is always changing, and it's a good idea to keep a close eye
on it so that you know when to be romantic, and when not a
pressure her (she’ll think you are manipulative and sneaky if
you pressure her). People are people, so even if you are
romantically interested in someone, you should just treat her
normally, like you would any other person. If, however, she
hints that she is romantically interested in you as well, then
you should “strike while the iron is hot,” and make every
effort to win her heart.
How can you know when someone is interested in
more than friendship? This is where men get into trouble.
Men are so optimistic that if a pretty girl only says, “Hi,”
they think to themselves. “A ha! I knew it! She likes me!”
Optimistic men view any attention as a sign that someone
likes them. This is very sad, because it leads to heartbreak.
These are the most common traps. Don’t believe
a. The woman makes frequent eye contact or flirtatious
b. She smiles at you often.
c. She compliments you whenever she sees you.
d. She accepts your phone calls or talks to you a long time.
As you can see, all of the above can easily be
mistaken for romantic signals, but taken alone, they are not.
Everyone likes to flirt, and it makes a person happy when
others consider him/her attractive. Such a happy person may
smile, look you in the eye, or talk to you in person or on the
phone, but the actions listed above are actions that any nice
person might do for a friend or acquaintance. These signals
mean nothing more than friendship. They shouldn’t be
mistaken for romantic intentions. That would be wishful
Sometimes the person you are interested in will want
give you a definite “back off” signal. But more often than
not, they won’t communicate clearly because they don’t want
to sound blunt, or cruel. For example, they might like you as
a friend, so they wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings, even if
they don’t want you as a romantic partner. So instead, they
will give you a “stay away” hint.
Let's review how the situation should happen. The
romance game-- who does what? Through work, school,
social life, someone’s introduction, or by accident, let’s say
you meet an interesting person, somebody you find
attractive- a possible romantic partner. You are just
acquaintances or possibly friends, and you’re wondering
whether the attraction might be mutual, whether she might be
interested in you as well. What should you do now?
The short answer is, you should talk. Don’t talk about
anything serious such as math, science, your philosophy, or
personal opinions. Flirting is in no way related to debate.
You don’t need to talk for a long time, either. A simple “Hi”

and a “Bye” is all that’s necessary, and maybe one sentence
in between about the weather, gossip, or whatever the
situation happens to be at the time. Then leave.
The very best thing that could happen to you is if she
becomes curious about you, and you get an opportunity to
see her again, and make small talk and leave again. Why is it
best to leave? Why shouldn’t you say much? Because it
keeps her curious. The less you say, the more curious she
becomes. Then, when the time comes (about 3 visits later)
for you to have a longer conversation with her, you don’t
have to worry about what you will say to her. Instead, she’ll
be so curious that she does all the talking, and you won’t
have to worry about not knowing what to say.
During these extremely brief conversations you have
with her, pay careful attention to eye contact and smiles. If
she seems interested in you, and stares directly into your
eyes, smiles a lot, and even offers compliments (“that’s a
nice tie”), then she may want nothing more than friendship.
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that she likes you. In order
to find out whether she really likes you or not, it will be
necessary to have an even longer conversation and pay
attention to certain hints.
When you finally stop to talk to her for a good length
of time (about 20 minutes), one of the best things you can do
is to walk, talk, and try to be entertaining. If, while you’re
walking, you notice she walks in step with you, that’s a very
good sign! Conversely, if she doesn’t walk in step with you,
she’s not interested. Give up. Another good sign is if she
laughs heartily at all your jokes (polite chuckles don’t count)
even when you don’t think your jokes are so funny.
Conversely, if she isn’t entertained when you try to be
entertaining, or if she seems half-hearted or laughing only
out of politeness, she’s not interested in you romantically.
After a walk it might be nice to stop for a coffee or a
snack. When you are both seated, pay careful attention to her
body language.
Perform the following experiment:
As you talk, lean forward, place your left elbow on
the table, and put your left hand on your chin. Maintain eye
contact, but in the corner of your eye observe her discreetly,
to see if she mimics your action. If she also places an elbow
on the table, and touches her face with her hand, that’s a sign
that she likes you. Then as you continue to converse, lean
backwards and discreetly cross one leg or bring it up so that
one leg rests on another. See if she subconsciously mimics
the motion by crossing her own legs or re-aligning them. If
the woman you are interested in follows your lead and
subconsciously mimics all your body language, then there’s a
very good chance that she likes you. Now glance down and
up quickly and try to spot a gold band on the ring finger of
her left hand. The experiment is over.
Even after you know for sure that a woman has
romantic interest in you, there are still good reasons why she
may never go out on a date with you. The two most common
reasons are prior commitment and pride. A woman who is
already committed to a husband or a boyfriend may signal
that she’s attracted to you a thousand times in a thousand
different ways. But if she’s truly committed to her husband
or boyfriend, and their relationship is healthy, she still won’t
go out with you. She’s a person of good character, a classy
lady, and her husband or boyfriend should count himself
lucky to have so loyal a partner.
Pride is another factor. Some women are extremely
conscious of how other women view them. Even though they
think you are nice and even attractive, they wouldn’t want to
be seen with you because they don’t want other women to
see them with someone who isn’t tall, famous, or handsome.
In their opinion, it would make them look less classy. Don’t
be discouraged if you come across someone who is too
committed or too proud to accept you as a suitor; sometimes
they still might accept you as a platonic friend.
If you’re lucky you may just encounter an
uncommitted someone who doesn’t care what others think.
Someone who gives you all the right hints.

板主:  華阿姨 
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