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#950607 - 2007-09-23 20:36:49 是真的嗎? 看看劍橋大學基因學家怎麼認為
hexam 離線
註冊: 2006-10-18
文章數: 73
The search for a “cure for aging,” or the proverbial fountain of youth, is alive and kicking throughout the world. Still, the camps are divided over whether virtual immortality in humans is possible -- and if it is, if it’s a good thing.

According to Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey:

“The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today …whether they realize it or not, barring accidents and suicide, most people now 40 years or younger can expect to live for centuries.”

Among the many advances in science and technology that point to an incredibly long life for humans, possibly in the near future, are experiments that have extended the lifespan of fruit flies and other organisms, including mammals.

Anti-aging researchers are increasingly optimistic that aging can be slowed down dramatically, or even prevented altogether.

Even the federal government has devoted funds, to the tune of $2.4 billion a year, to study the “biology of aging.”

“ … In the near future, say the next two to four decades, the disease of aging will be cured,” said Robert Freitas at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, a non-profit, nanotech group in Palo Alto, California.

Would Immortality be a Wise Decision?

To some, the question of immortality isn’t one of, “Can it be done?” but rather, “Should it be done?” Opponents of the anti-aging movement point to potential problems with overpopulation, limited resources, global warming and more, if humans begin to live “unnaturally” long lives.

Moreover, some say that living indefinitely would undermine the very definition of being “human,” and raises some serious ethical, moral, and ecological questions.

“There is no known social good coming from the conquest of death,” said bioethicist Daniel Callahan of the Hastings Center in Garrison, New York.

Metabolic aspects of the extreme longevity

M. Barbieria, A. Gambardellaa, G. Paolisso, a, and M. Varricchioa
aDepartment of Geriatric Medicine and Metabolic Diseases, Second University of Naples, Piazza Miraglia 2, I-80138 Napoli, Italy
Received 14 September 2006; revised 17 October 2006; accepted 26 June 2007. Available online 30 June 2007.


Starting from young to very old subjects, aging is associated with a progressive remodeling. Such an age-dependent remodeling process mainly affects anthropometrics, endocrine and thus, also metabolic factors. Interestingly, it occurs in some individuals successfully, while in others unsuccessfully. Centenarians in good health conditions are a very selected group of subjects representing an exceptional condition. Why the centenarians reach the extreme human life span is still unknown. Thus, in this article we will review the best known causes of age-related insulin resistance, outline the main metabolic differences between aged subjects and healthy centenarians, underline the clinical relevance of insulin resistance in the elderly and finally, we will try to propose a unifying hypothesis for explaining the development of insulin resistance with aging.

Keywords: Aging; Human longevity; Insulin resistance; Anthropometric changes

Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 081 566 5135; fax: +39 081 5665303.

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This is a particularly good topic for me now as this week I am the keynote speaker at a Bioenergetic Medicine conference that is focusing on anti-aging. I have reviewed the literature and found the study in a recent Gerontology journal that I linked above. I personally believe that the current human genetic system is designed to allow us to live to be about 120 years old. I have never seen any credible evidence of anyone living to be older than this.

But does that mean that human lifespan will always be as we now know it?

I don't believe so.

I think there are incredible, radical innovations going on in technology today that will literally (highly likely in the next 20 years or so, and maybe sooner) enable us to effectively extend our lifespan by another 50 years.

Living to be 1,000 years old, as this article suggests, is an entirely different animal than adding on several decades to your life. Is it possible? Perhaps. Though I’d be surprised if it happens as soon as some of those researchers are speculating. It would also call for an extreme shift in the way we view our planet and resources, and may trigger an urgency to exploring space as a viable place to live.

How to Live to be 100

I would suspect that many of you would be happy to live to be 100 -- or 120 -- even if the idea of living to 1,000 seems unnatural. And I do believe that this is an entirely reasonable goal for most everyone.

The major key to avoiding premature aging is to keep your insulin levels down by avoiding grains and sugars in your diet. That's because any meal or snack high in the carbohydrates (found in grains and sugars) generates a rapid rise in your blood glucose. To adjust for this rise, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into your bloodstream, which lowers the glucose. There is just no question in my mind, nor should there be in yours, that normalizing insulin and leptin levels is crucial if you expect to reach your maximum lifespan.

There appears to be an age related insulin resistance that is due to an insulin receptor or post receptor defect that is clearly related to exercise and diet choices.

Unfortunately, your body is not designed to accommodate unnaturally high levels of insulin and leptin spiked by grains and sugars.

Not only does this excess insulin store calories from the carbs in the form of fat (which is why so many are overweight and obese these days), but the excess insulin also suppresses essential hormones and your immune system -- all of which are absolutely essential for avoiding premature aging.

Quite simply, consuming sugar and grains is the equivalent of slamming your foot down on the aging accelerator!

You may have also heard of studies that show lowering your caloric intake can slow aging and extend lifespan. I suspect the majority of the benefits from calorie restriction are related to its influence on insulin, as reducing calories also reduces insulin. There is bulk of new evidence that supports this. So you don't have to torture yourself to live longer. Most people would never do it anyway as they would wisely realize this was a foolish endeavor, but there are quite a few extremists who have chosen to eat far less to live longer.

They have made a foolish choice because it is not lowering your calories that causes you to live longer, it is optimizing your insulin and leptin levels. Calorie restriction will do this, but it does it at an enormous price, both psychologically and physiologically. Removing the joy from eating is a major issue and when you don't eat enough you will miss certain key micronutriients.

It's Never Too Late

Remember that your body was designed to stay healthy -- and it’s never too late to start taking control of your health!

It saddens me to see people in their 50s, 60s, and beyond who think they are “too old” to make changes for the better.

This is completely false!

If you're ...

Eating the right foods,especially eating right for your nutritional type
Taking care of the emotional traumas that we all invariably go through
Removing yourself from toxic influences
Exercising... your body will go toward health. HOWEVER, please recognize that eating right for your nutritional type is probably more important than exercising to decrease your aging rate. Also please be sure to review the other article in this issue that reviews the dangers of OVER exercising, which will lower your lifespan.
What About Resveratrol and Red Wine?

Resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine, has made headlines for slowing down the aging process in mice.

It is one of the most exciting antioxidants out there, in my opinion.

It appears that resveratrol does have the power to extend life, just as the less-desirable method of calorie restriction does.

However, I don’t buy into the hype that drinking red wine is the best way to obtain it, as the alcohol in the wine is a neurotoxin that is definitely not good for your health. If you want to boost your consumption of resveratrol, focus on products that contain WHOLE grape skins and seeds, and skip the red wine entirely.
#950608 - 2007-09-23 23:29:19 Re: 是真的嗎? 看看劍橋大學基因學家怎麼認為
jfive 離線
註冊: 2003-04-16
文章數: 1169
最近也在解這些, 來跟 hexam 兄請益 1 番


[From: e2@] - Tue Sep 18 19:52:32 2007


2.4. Non-linear analysis of heart rate dynamics

Many recent studies have shown that non-linear phenomena are involved in the genesis of HR dynamics (Sayers 1973, Goldberger & West 1987, Goldberger 1996). It has been suggested that healthy heart beat is chaotic and shows a fractal form, which may be changed upon aging and by disease (Lipsitz & Goldberger 1992, Goldberger 1996). Many authors have shown that the traditional measures of HR variability reflecting the periodic behavior of heart rate are unable to detect subtle changes in heart rate dynamics. Therefore, new methods based on the chaos theory and the fractal behavior of heart rate fluctuations have been developed to assess the random or chaotic behavior of heart rate dynamics. These non-linear measures of HR dynamics are even better predictors of mortality in selected patient populations (Huikuri et al. 1998, M&ampauml;kikallio et al. 1999b, Huikuri et al. 2000) compared to the traditional measures of HR variability.

相對的線性的HR behaviors 就是健康而規律的心跳了

2.4.3. Approximate entropy analysis

Approximate entropy (ApEn) is a measure quantifying the regularity and complexity of time series data (Pincus 1991, Pincus & Viscarello 1992, Pincus & Goldberger 1994). Low values of ApEn indicate a more regular (less complex) signal, and high values indicate irregularity (more complex) in signal behavior.

#950609 - 2007-09-24 05:57:47 Re: 是真的嗎? 看看劍橋大學基因學家怎麼認為
hexam 離線
註冊: 2006-10-18
文章數: 73
真是慚愧 對心電動力學所知不多
so sorry I got no any comments on the topic.
#950610 - 2007-09-29 06:54:59 Re: 是真的嗎? 看看劍橋大學基因學家怎麼認為
hexam 離線
註冊: 2006-10-18
文章數: 73
The world's largest circulated magazine "The American Association of Retired People Magazine"(AARP),recently recommended 5 key foods to add to your daily diet that are so beneficial they may add years to your life:they were:
#1. Spirulina
#2. Berries
#3. Leafy greens
#4. Nuts(almonds and walnuts)
#5. Linseed(Flax seeds)
#950611 - 2007-09-29 14:49:51 Re: 是真的嗎? 看看劍橋大學基因學家怎麼認為
hexam 離線
註冊: 2006-10-18
文章數: 73
五個要點 ( 簡明牛津英文字典的解釋 )

spirulina 藍綠螺旋藻
 noun a filamentous cyanobacterium of a genus typically forming tangled masses in warm alkaline lakes. [Genus Spirulina.]

modern Latin, from spirula 'small spiral (shell)'.

spirulina  一個種類的 filamentous cyanobacterium典型地在溫馨的鹼性湖中形成處於混亂狀態群眾的名詞。[種類Spirulina。]起源 現代的拉丁語,從spirula‘小的螺旋( shell)’。

berry 莓果
 noun (plural berries)
1 a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone. Botany any fruit that has its seeds enclosed in a fleshy pulp, for example a banana or tomato.
2 a fish egg or roe of a lobster or similar creature.

berried adjective
berrying noun

Old English berie, of Germanic origin.

漿果 名詞(複數的漿果) 1 一個小的略圓多汁的水果沒有硬仔。Botany在一個多肉的果肉中封入其種子的任何水果,例如一個香蕉或者番茄。2龍蝦或者類似的生物的一個魚吊錨器蛋或者魚卵。所據以建立的物 漿果形容詞 漿果名詞起源 舊的英語berie,日爾曼語言起源。

leafy greens 綠色蔬菜
 adjective (leafier, leafiest) having many greens leaves or much foliage.

leafiness noun

樹葉茂盛 許多綠色樹葉或者許多葉子的形容詞(較樹葉茂盛,最樹葉茂盛)。所據以建立的物 leafiness名詞

almond 杏仁果
 noun
1 the oval edible nut-like kernel of the almond tree, growing in a woody shell.
2 the tree that produces almonds, related to the peach and plum. [Prunus dulcis.]

Mddle English: from Old French alemande, from medieval Latin amandula, from Greek

杏仁 名詞1 杏仁樹的橢圓的可食用的堅果的核心,在一個木質的外殼中成長。2 生產杏仁的樹,與桃和梅有關。[ Prunus dulcis。]起源 Mddle英語: 從舊的法國alemande,從中世紀的拉丁語amandula,從希臘的amugdale。

Walnut 胡桃
 noun
1 an edible wrinkled nut enclosed by a hard shell, produced inside a green fruit.
2 the tree which produces walnuts, with compound leaves and valuable wood. [Juglans regia and related species.]

Old English walh-hnutu, from a Germanic compound meaning 'foreign nut'.

胡桃 名詞1 被一個艱難的外殼封入的一個可食用的起皺紋的硬殼,在一個綠色的水果的內部生產。2 生產胡桃,有混合樹葉和有價值的樹木的樹。[ Juglans regia並且相關物種。]起源 舊的英語walh hnutu,從意味著‘外國的堅果’的一種日爾曼語言混合。

linseed 亞麻仁
 noun the seeds of the flax plant.

Old English linsæd, from lin 'flax' + sæd 'seed'.

亞痲子 名詞亞麻植物的種子。起源 舊的英語linsad,從lin‘亞麻’+ sæd ‘種子’。

板主:  jengjiu 
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